I miei dipinti su pietra su Pondly

Sul mitico Pondly è stato appena pubblicato un articolo sui miei sassi dipinti! Un bel riconoscimento e una gran soddisfazione personale, visto che il sito raccoglie il meglio della rete in termini di creatività e promuove il lavoro di pittori, illustratori, fotografi, registi e graphic designers da ogni parte del mondo. Condividete il più possibile!
Te lo meriti! Complimenti!!!
Dear Roberto,
unfortunately I do not speak italian, I live in Argentina and I want to congratulate you for your beautiful art. It is extraordinary the way you catch the essence of what you are going to paint on a stone. The result is overwhelming, it is hard for me to put into words the feeling I have when I admire your work of art. I love cats and yours excell the real ones. If I have the opportunity to visit Rome, I will let you know and I would really love to visit your studio and be able to touch those marvels and buy at least one to bring it to my country. Receive my best regards, Leda Lucrecia.
@ Carolina: grazie mille!
@ Leda: I don’t know how to thank you for your wonderful words…
Painting for me is not just a job but above all a big passion and it’s so nice to know that someone feel emotions looking at my works! I hope to meet you personally here in Rome as soon as possibile, let’s stay in touch my friend! Wishing you all the best, a great hug from Italy, Roberto.
Do you sell instruction books in English? I love your work.
@ Katy: I’m working on a new book that will be soon available, thank you!